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Wireless ShapeArray data collection with Ackcio Beam

In this webinar, Ackcio and Measurand’s experts led the discussion about the integration of the BEAM suite and ShapeArray. Industry professionals from over 30 countries joined us to find out how ShapeArrays can now go wireless with Ackcio Beam.

This webinar provides a foundational introduction to the advanced data collection technology provided by Ackcio to automate your monitoring and how the new Ackcio Beam suite’s BEAM-DG Node functions.

Key takeaways of the webinar:

  • Introduction to Ackcio and Measurand
  • Overview of the Ackcio Beam and ShapeArray
  • Data Collection and specifications ​
  • Live configuration demo
  • Q&A

Duration: 45 mins

Presented by

Robert Praeg

Geotechnical Instrumentation Specialist