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Driving the best results from data acquisition to data visualisation and management

Vista Data Vision and Ackcio experts will explain how you can automate data acquisition, data management, and analytics for a broad range of geotechnical and structural projects.

Ackcio’s flagship solution, Ackcio Beam, can transmit data acquired from monitoring sensors reliably to Vista Data Vision’s data management system, providing users with a seamless deployment experience while extracting meaningful value for decision-making.

We will be covering the following topics:

  • The role of remote monitoring and how it can benefit your project - [Mobashir]
  • Wireless monitoring technology for mining projects - [Mobashir]
  • Overview of Ackcio Beam wireless data acquisition system- [Steve]
  • Overview of Vista Data Vision software data management platform - [Andres]
  • Setup of a project with Ackcio Beam in Vista Data Vision - [Andres & Steve]
  • Live Q&A session

Duration: 1 hour

Presented by

Mobashir Mohammad

Customer Success Manager

Thorarinn Andresson

Senior Director, Infrastructure IoT
Bentley Systems

Andres Andresson

Director, Business Development
Bentley Systems